Clean the Trail Days

Our environment is important to us - that's why we're launching our Clean the Trail Days again this year at the Epic Bikepark Leogang, setting an example for nature and wildlife conservation.
Together with you, the local community and our partners we will clean the trails. Afterwards there will be a cosy get-together, but that's not all: You will be entered into a prize draw to win a Gravity Card for the 2025 season.All participants and collectors will be entered into a prize draw and the winner will be drawn at the end of the final Clean the Trail Day.
Details of the prize draw will follow.

We are looking forward to seeing you.


Dates: 26.07. | 23.08. | 04.10.2024

26.07. |  23.08. | 04.10.2024
Epic Bikepark Leogang

Leoganger Bergbahnen GmbH
Hütten 39 | 5771 Leogang

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